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Tracing to the source, creating new ideas, and achieving great goals

publish:2022-12-06 15:55:44   views :245
publish:2022-12-06 15:55:44  

Tiantai Temple in Hong'an

Tiantai Temple in Hong'an, Hubei is a very "different" temple! Its construction time is not long and its scale is not too large, but it is obviously different from the temple in people's past impression because of its "unique" temperament. In terms of image, this temperament matches people's "poetic imagination" of ancient temples, and creates a long lost "closeness" and "sense of belonging" for Buddhist believers in the hustle and bustle of modern civilization—— For a monastic, it is undoubtedly crucial for believers to feel a sense of "closeness" and "belonging", because this is the premise of faith and actually the result of faith. Facts have also proved that in recent years, more and more educated, high-quality and young believers have been attracted by this "unique" temperament and come to Tiantai Temple to practice. The influence of the monastery is increasing, and the future development potential is huge.

Mode of promoting law

The reason why Tiantai Temple can create the above situation in a short period of time is that under the careful planning and leadership of Abbot Wule, the temple has created a set of "law spreading mode" full of new ideas, which meets the psychological needs of believers and the development law of Buddhism.

In recent years, the "law spreading model" has been a topic of heated discussion in the national Buddhist circles and Buddhist academic circles, which has a very important and urgent significance for the future development of Chinese Buddhism. The reasons are obvious: the surging impact of modern scientific and technological civilization, the profound changes in people's ideas, and the special relationship between Chinese Buddhism and the socialist system have made the environment and conditions that Buddhism faces today very different from those in the past. In the new historical stage, Buddhism must re-examine itself and make responses. The term "law promotion model" sounds like it only involves superficial issues such as ways, means and channels in law promotion. In fact, it is a major reflection on the value, positioning and future of Buddhism, and a major response based on all fundamental Buddhist issues and all social realities. Even to a certain extent, it can be said that what kind of "preaching model" there will be in the future is what kind of Buddhism. From this point of view, the Tiantai Temple's innovation of the "law promotion model" is very worthy of attention, because it is not only a wise move, but also a profound move. It reflects not only Master Wuyue's keen insight into the changes of the times, but also his deep concern for the future and destiny of Buddhism. Its specific practical experience deserves more in-depth and extensive discussion.

Superficial experience

The following is a brief summary and analysis of the "law promotion model" based on my own shallow understanding and experience, hoping to attract further attention and discussion from the teaching and academic circles.

Statement: This article is excerpted by the editor of Hong'an Tiantai Temple, and the omitted part is replaced by "...".

1、 The Basic Framework of Tiantai Temple's "Law Promotion Model"

The "law spreading model" of Tiantai Temple can be summarized by "one center, three fulcrums". One center, namely, the cultivation method and core values with "virtue" as the believers. The three fulcrums, namely, "Zen music, Zen tea and Zen forest", are the three most important forms of "moral education", which complement each other and jointly promote the cultivation of believers' "virtue".

2、 The specific content and connotation of Tiantai Temple's "law promotion model"

1. Content of morality

Master Wule put forward the idea of "true virtue and becoming Buddha through virtue", and elaborated "virtue" as six items, namely: loyalty (loyalty to the motherland, faith, duty, and school); Filial piety (filial piety to parents and teachers); Courtesy (internal cultivation and external civilization); Yi (behave according to the rules and keep order); Incorruptible (do not seek the reputation of non sharing, do not covet the interests of non sharing, do not enjoy the blessings of non sharing); Shame

2. Connotation of "Tiantai Six Virtues"

The formulation of "holy virtue is true, and virtue becomes Buddha" is a bit "shocking". Can the content of "Tiantai Six Virtues" really meet the needs of a Buddhist—— This needs to be seen from many aspects.

3. The integration of "Tiantai Six Virtues" meets various requirements

First of all, we should realize that Chinese Buddhism has always attached great importance to moral practice—— Although Buddhism takes "enlightenment" as its ultimate pursuit, the Chinese Mahayana Buddhism emphasizes "compassion and universal salvation", which is undoubtedly a "virtue" practice, or simply a "virtue" practice. This of course does not mean that Mahayana Buddhism no longer attaches importance to "consciousness", but that Mahayana Buddhism has sublimated "consciousness", not only to "consciousness", but also to present it after "consciousness", "consciously aware of others, self serving others" The proposition of Master Wu Le that "virtue is true, and virtue becomes Buddha" is actually a concept that has been advocated and practiced by Chinese Buddhism for thousands of years, but has never been explicitly put forward by anyone. It conforms to the spiritual essence of Mahayana Buddhism.

On the other hand, due to the influence of Confucian culture, Chinese society, which has always liked to "convince people by virtue", has actually become accustomed to taking "virtue" as an important criterion to judge Buddhism and monastic life. Even for an ordinary believer, people will use "virtue" to check the authenticity of their beliefs The practice of Tiantai Temple conforms to the core value of Chinese culture and the outstanding requirements of this value for Buddhism; It is a necessary and wise move for Buddhism to revive its faith and make progress at the current stage.

On the other hand, in modern society, the communication between people is becoming more intense and tense, and people are expecting a more ideal "interpersonal ecology" environment. To play a more active role in the face of such realistic demands, Buddhism, which takes "universal living" as its own responsibility, must also start from advocating "morality". Because "virtue" is to cultivate inside, to show outside, and to benefit others. If we say that the practice of "consciousness" is only focusing on the "spiritual attribute" of people, then obviously only the practice of "virtue" can give consideration to the "social attribute" of people—— At present, China is building a harmonious society internally, advocating the building of a harmonious world externally, and has repeatedly explicitly proposed "giving play to the positive role of religion". In such an environment, Master Wule's proposition of "becoming Buddha by virtue" obviously coincides with the times and the spirit of the times.

It should be mentioned that in the late Qing Dynasty, Zhang Taiyan, Tan Si and other people with lofty ideals, in order to save the country from sinking, once vigorously promoted Buddhism, hoping to promote social reform and reform national morality; One of the core propositions put forward at that time was to "value your heart", that is, to enhance the moral character of self-respect and self-improvement through self-cultivation. "Becoming Buddha by virtue" is similar to "valuing one's heart" in essence, which is worth pondering.

4. Content of "Zen music, Zen tea, Zen forest"

Master Wuyue, the abbot of Tiantai Temple, is a musician, who has special feelings and understanding of music... Tiantai Temple has a young "Guangxuan Art Troupe" consisting of dozens of monks In the future planning, the scale of the "Guangxuan Art Troupe" will continue to expand. The goal is to build a 100 person symphony orchestra, a 100 person chorus and a 100 person dance team, and build the temple into a world-class Zen music base.


"Tiantai Zen Tea" was established in strict accordance with the original intention of "Zen Tea" and the "classic model" of "Zen Tea" in the Tang Dynasty. The monastery has its own tea garden and tea factory of more than 100 mu. The monks personally plant, collect and make their own tea, creating a harmonious and poetic natural environment and cultural atmosphere for "Zen tea", making "Zen tea" an organic whole, not just a single form of "drinking tea"; It is a way of life that is closely related to monks and cultivates their moral character, not just a gimmick.

The "Tiantai Zen Forest" is not a synonym for the "jungle" in the general sense - Tiantai Temple is located in the center of the national 4A tourist area "Tiantai Mountain Scenic Area", with a territory of more than 1000 mu, most of which are lush woodlands, various exotic flowers and grasses compete for beauty, misty mountains linger, morning bells and evening drums, birds contend, and Zen music is played together. The natural environment is beautiful, and people are close to nature It is a treasure land for cultivating body and mind. "Tiantai Zen Forest" specifically refers to this natural landscape, which, together with "Tiantai Zen Music" and "Tiantai Zen Tea", forms the traditional concept of "jungle", and is collectively called "Tiantai Three Zen".

"Tiantai Three Chants" is the fundamental support for the "form subject" of Tiantai Temple and the promotion of "six virtues"—— If Tiantai Temple itself is likened to a practitioner, "Tiantai Three Zen" is equivalent to "Yi" in "Six Virtues" in part, which is the first impression and feeling of people about Tiantai Temple.

5. The Connotation of "Tiantai Three Zen" and Its Relationship with "Tiantai Six Virtues"

Confucius said, "When changing customs, you should not be good at music." This shows that music plays an important role in promoting national morality and helping the people of the world; Wang Yangming said that "making rites and making music must have the virtue of neutralization", emphasizing the moral basis needed for making "music". Therefore, "music" is not only a means to cultivate "virtue", but also can not be completed by "virtue". It takes "virtue" as the premise, and in turn promotes the cultivation of "virtue".

"Zen tea" is a "monk's family style". It is unnecessary to talk about its role in cultivating the mind and promoting morality. It is a valuable experience and fine tradition of Chinese Buddhism to promote practice with "Zen tea", which is called "Zen tea is pure and contented".

Similarly, "there are more famous monks in the world" - since ancient times, Buddhism has also recognized the importance of "Zen Forest", which is far away from the secular world and disputes, to promote practice. Accompanied by heaven and earth, nature, mountains and rivers, it is not only conducive to understanding life, honing will and maintaining morality, but also a reflection and distillation of noble personality. Therefore, it can be seen that although the "Tiantai Three Zen" has the consideration of "adjusting measures to local conditions", none of them has the function of "moral education" and is strictly in service of the central idea and requirements of "Tiantai Six Virtues". By careful comparison, we can also find that they are ingeniously corresponding to the "six senses" - "eyes, ears, mouth, nose, body and mind" emphasized in the Buddhist scriptures, which is a very profound combination: Zen music focuses on the role of "ears" and "mind"; Zen tea emphasizes the role of "mouth" and "nose"; Zen Buddhism emphasizes the role of "eyes" and "body".

The Buddhist scripture says: "But by purifying the original mind, the six senses can come out of six doors, and there is no dye or impurity in the six dust, and there is freedom to come and go, and there is no lag in common use. That is, Prajna Samadhi, freedom from freedom, and freedom from name and conduct." - "Tiantai Zen Forest" creates an environment full of Zen, and fosters "eyes" and feelings, making people "body" in its place, which is "people in Zen"; "Tiantai Zen Tea" goes into the "mouth" and "nose", which refreshes the heart and brings infinite Zen into the heart. It is "Zen in people"; "Tiantai Zen Music" is the voice of the mind, which goes into the "ear" and "mind". It blends with people's mind and is "the heart in Zen and the Zen in the heart."

The "Tiantai Three Zen" closely follows the theme of "moral education", and combines education in "music", "tea", and "forest", forming an all-round and sensory "intimate contact" with practitioners, making Tiantai Temple a "pure land on earth", "source of peach in the world", "moral school", and "spiritual paradise" where Zen thoughts are abundant and flowing. Moreover, "music, tea and forest" are all permeated with the temperament of "faraway, empty, peaceful, respectful, elegant, quiet and quiet" advocated by Chinese culture and loved by people, and the "sense of oppression" and "tension" without preaching, making the "practice and virtue" of monks and believers a natural influence and life experience full of aesthetic feelings.

3、 The Creative Features of Tiantai Temple's "Law Promotion Mode"

Tiantai Temple's "law spreading model" has many innovations and ingenuity, but a careful study of its creative theory shows that this innovation is actually a process of "tracing back to the original, returning to the original".

"Tiantai Six Virtues" conforms to the requirements of the spirit of the times, but is derived from the oldest value standard in Chinese culture and the essence of Mahayana Buddhism; Its proposal is not so much an innovation of the times as a rediscovery and development of the "classical value". One by one, the longer this value is forgotten, the more precious it becomes.

The "Tiantai Three Zen" is a wonderful combination, but each of its components is not "original". On the contrary, none of them is not the most "accustomed" way of teaching and practicing in Chinese Buddhism, and this "accustomed" just shows their universal adaptability and strong vitality—— Wuyue mage discerned the "unusual" in the "ordinary", rediscovered their value, recombined them, and made them glow with a new style and vitality. This is not so much an elaborate design as a study of historical experience. The wonderful correspondence between the "Tiantai Three Zen" and the "Six Buddhist Knowledge" is no coincidence, but the inevitable result of grasping the essence of things and solving problems from the root.

"A gentleman should be based on his work, and should stand on his own and live in his own way." The innovation of Master Wuyue on the "law promotion model" of Tiantai Temple reflects this dialectical, harmonious, pragmatic and rational thinking brilliance. Because we have grasped the essence of things and the root of problems, this innovation is more full of inspiration and wisdom; Because we have grasped the essence of things and the root causes of problems, this innovation can always adhere to the "theme" although it embodies new ideas everywhere.

In the Tiantai Temple Development Plan personally prepared by Master Wule, it can be seen that "the Tiantai Temple should follow the principles that the buildings should not be scattered, the height should not be low, the color should not be thick, the decoration should be simple rather than luxurious, and the building materials should be solid rather than modern.

The Development Plan also mentioned that "for the greening and beautification of temples, trees, grass and flowers with ornamental value in Tiantai Mountain should be fully selected for cultivation. A small number of exotic species should be introduced to fully restore and create the ecological landscape, forest landscape and local landscape. Cherry areas should be planted in different areas, and education pavilions should be built to make the world happy. Three Friends of the Year should be planted to build the Loyalty Pavilion. Bamboo forest areas should be planted to build the Scholar Pavilion. Maple and silver areas should be planted to build the Merit Pavilion. Moral harmony culture should be shaped." In fact, this is closely linked to the theme of "the six virtues of the Tiantai", so that every "detail" of the temple has the function of "moral education".

What's more, the "Zen music" undertaking vigorously carried out by Master Wu Yue is not only the main way to promote the practice of monks and believers in monasteries, but also plays an important role in educating the secular public and improving social customs; The "Zen Forest" cause he worked hard to promote not only created a good practice environment for the monastery, but also brought great impetus to the tourism of the whole Tiantai Mountain Scenic Area and Hong'an County—— In 2006, the Sixth Plenary Session of the Sixteenth Central Committee of the Communist Party of China proposed to "give play to the positive role of religion in promoting social harmony"; In 2007, the 17th National Congress of the Communist Party of China also proposed to "give play to the positive role of religious people and believers in promoting economic and social development." These two policies are the general expectations of the Party and the state for religion in recent years, and are the main theme of China's Buddhist cause and the fundamental way to play a social role—— Wule mage started from historical experience, but eventually merged with the times; Starting from the most essential spirit of Buddhism, it is a straight road that meets not only the requirements of its own development, but also the requirements of society, culture and politics.

4. Content of "Zen music, Zen tea, Zen forest"

Master Wuyue, the abbot of Tiantai Temple, is a musician, who has special feelings and understanding of music... Tiantai Temple has a young "Guangxuan Art Troupe" consisting of dozens of monks In the future planning, the scale of the "Guangxuan Art Troupe" will continue to expand. The goal is to build a 100 person symphony orchestra, a 100 person chorus and a 100 person dance team, and build the temple into a world-class Zen music base.


"Tiantai Zen Tea" was established in strict accordance with the original intention of "Zen Tea" and the "classic model" of "Zen Tea" in the Tang Dynasty. The monastery has its own tea garden and tea factory of more than 100 mu. The monks personally plant, collect and make their own tea, creating a harmonious and poetic natural environment and cultural atmosphere for "Zen tea", making "Zen tea" an organic whole, not just a single form of "drinking tea"; It is a way of life that is closely related to monks and cultivates their moral character, not just a gimmick.

The "Tiantai Zen Forest" is not a synonym for the "jungle" in the general sense - Tiantai Temple is located in the center of the national 4A tourist area "Tiantai Mountain Scenic Area", with a territory of more than 1000 mu, most of which are lush woodlands, various exotic flowers and grasses compete for beauty, misty mountains linger, morning bells and evening drums, birds contend, and Zen music is played together. The natural environment is beautiful, and people are close to nature It is a treasure land for cultivating body and mind. "Tiantai Zen Forest" specifically refers to this natural landscape, which, together with "Tiantai Zen Music" and "Tiantai Zen Tea", forms the traditional concept of "jungle", and is collectively called "Tiantai Three Zen".

"Tiantai Three Chants" is the fundamental support for the "form subject" of Tiantai Temple and the promotion of "six virtues"—— If Tiantai Temple itself is likened to a practitioner, "Tiantai Three Zen" is equivalent to "Yi" in "Six Virtues" in part, which is the first impression and feeling of people about Tiantai Temple.

5. The Connotation of "Tiantai Three Zen" and Its Relationship with "Tiantai Six Virtues"

Confucius said, "If you change the customs, don't be good at music." It illustrates the important role of "music" in promoting national morality and helping the people of the world; Wang Yangming said, "To make ritual and music, one must have the virtue of neutralization." It emphasizes the moral foundation needed for "music". Therefore, "music" is not only a means to cultivate "virtue", but also can not be completed by "virtue". It takes "virtue" as the premise, and in turn promotes the cultivation of "virtue".

"Zen tea" is a "monk's family style". It is unnecessary to talk about its role in cultivating the mind and promoting morality. It is a valuable experience and fine tradition of Chinese Buddhism to promote practice with "Zen tea", which is called "Zen tea is pure and contented".

Similarly, "there are more famous monks in the world" - since ancient times, Buddhism has also recognized the importance of "Zen Forest", which is far away from the secular world and disputes, to promote practice. Accompanied by heaven and earth, nature, mountains and rivers, it is not only conducive to understanding life, honing will and maintaining morality, but also a reflection and distillation of noble personality. Therefore, it can be seen that although the "Tiantai Three Zen" has the consideration of "adjusting measures to local conditions", none of them has the function of "moral education" and is strictly in service of the central idea and requirements of "Tiantai Six Virtues". By careful comparison, we can also find that they are ingeniously corresponding to the "six senses" - "eyes, ears, mouth, nose, body and mind" emphasized in the Buddhist scriptures, which is a very profound combination: Zen music focuses on the role of "ears" and "mind"; Zen tea emphasizes the role of "mouth" and "nose"; Zen Buddhism emphasizes the role of "eyes" and "body".

The Buddhist scripture says, "But by purifying the original mind, we can make the six senses come out of the six doors, have no contamination or impurity in the six worlds, come and go freely, and have universal use without stagnation, that is, Prajna Samadhi, free from all distractions, and free from all distractions."—— The "Tiantai Zen Forest" creates an environment full of Zen, which is "people are in Zen"; "Tiantai Zen Tea" goes into the "mouth" and "nose", which refreshes the heart and brings infinite Zen into the heart. It is "Zen in people"; "Tiantai Zen Music" is the voice of the mind, which goes into the "ear" and "mind". It blends with people's mind and is "the heart in Zen and the Zen in the heart."

The "Tiantai Three Zen" closely follows the theme of "moral education", and combines education in "music", "tea", and "forest", forming an all-round and sensory "intimate contact" with practitioners, making Tiantai Temple a "pure land on earth", "source of peach in the world", "moral school", and "spiritual paradise" where Zen thoughts are abundant and flowing. Moreover, "music, tea and forest" are all permeated with the temperament of "faraway, empty, peaceful, respectful, elegant, quiet and quiet" advocated by Chinese culture and loved by people, and the "sense of oppression" and "tension" without preaching, making the "practice and virtue" of monks and believers a natural influence and life experience full of aesthetic feelings.

3、 The Creative Features of Tiantai Temple's "Law Promotion Mode"

Tiantai Temple's "law spreading model" has many innovations and ingenuity, but a careful study of its creative theory shows that this innovation is actually a process of "tracing back to the original, returning to the original".

"Tiantai Six Virtues" conforms to the requirements of the spirit of the times, but is derived from the oldest value standard in Chinese culture and the essence of Mahayana Buddhism; Its proposal is not so much an innovation of the times as a rediscovery and development of the "classical value". One by one, the longer this value is forgotten, the more precious it becomes.

The "Tiantai Three Zen" is a wonderful combination, but each of its components is not "original". On the contrary, none of them is not the most "accustomed" way of teaching and practicing in Chinese Buddhism, and this "accustomed" just shows their universal adaptability and strong vitality—— Wuyue mage discerned the "unusual" in the "ordinary", rediscovered their value, recombined them, and made them glow with a new style and vitality. This is not so much an elaborate design as a study of historical experience. The wonderful correspondence between the "Tiantai Three Zen" and the "Six Buddhist Knowledge" is no coincidence, but the inevitable result of grasping the essence of things and solving problems from the root.

"A gentleman should be based on the principle, and the principle should be established." The innovation of Master Wule on the "law promotion model" of Tiantai Temple reflects this dialectical, harmonious, pragmatic and rational thinking brilliance. Because we have grasped the essence of things and the root of problems, this innovation is more full of inspiration and wisdom; Because we have grasped the essence of things and the root causes of problems, this innovation can always adhere to the "theme" although it embodies new ideas everywhere.

In the Tiantai Temple Development Plan personally prepared by Master Wule, it can be seen that "the Tiantai Temple should follow the principles that buildings should not be scattered, height should not be low, color should not be thick, decoration should be simple rather than luxurious, and building materials should be solid rather than modern."—— This kind of elegant and peaceful mentality is actually a kind of "virtue of neutralization", which is the embodiment of the "six virtues of Tiantai" in the temple architecture.

The Development Plan also mentioned that "for the greening and beautification of temples, trees, grass and flowers with ornamental value in Tiantai Mountain should be fully selected for cultivation. A small number of exotic species should be introduced to fully restore and create the ecological landscape, forest landscape and local landscape. Cherry areas should be planted in different areas, and education pavilions should be built to make the world happy. Three Friends of the Year should be planted to build the Loyalty Pavilion. Bamboo forest areas should be planted to build the Scholar Pavilion. Maple and silver areas should be planted to build the Merit Pavilion. Moral harmony culture should be shaped." In fact, this is closely linked to the theme of "the six virtues of the Tiantai", so that every "detail" of the temple has the function of "moral education".

What's more, the "Zen music" undertaking vigorously carried out by Master Wu Yue is not only the main way to promote the practice of monks and believers in monasteries, but also plays an important role in educating the secular public and improving social customs; The "Zen Forest" cause he worked hard to promote not only created a good practice environment for the monastery, but also brought great impetus to the tourism of the whole Tiantai Mountain Scenic Area and Hong'an County—— In 2006, the Sixth Plenary Session of the Sixteenth Central Committee of the Communist Party of China proposed to "give play to the positive role of religion in promoting social harmony"; In 2007, the 17th National Congress of the Communist Party of China also proposed to "give play to the positive role of religious people and believers in promoting economic and social development." These two policies are the general expectation of the Party and the state on religion in recent years, the main theme of China's Buddhist cause and the fundamental way to play a social role—— Wule mage started from historical experience, but eventually merged with the times; Starting from the most essential spirit of Buddhism, it is a straight road that meets not only the requirements of its own development, but also the requirements of society, culture and politics.

4、 Reflections on the "Law Promotion Model" of Tiantai Temple

In the eye-catching position of Tiantai Temple, there are two stone tablets set up by Master Wule, one of which is "never forget the origin"; The first one is "the heart is the foundation of Buddha, the teacher is the foundation of Dharma, and the virtue is the foundation of monk". Throughout the innovation process of Tiantai Temple's "law promotion model", it can be said that it is the vivid portrayal of these two stone tablets—— Wule mage's emphasis on "essence" is the keynote of his "moral personality" and the real source of his "innovation wisdom" and "exploration courage".

When talking about the future development of Tiantai Temple, Master Wule said many times: "All construction, greening and culture take the millennium ancient temple as the goal." It includes Buddha statues, stone buildings, copper tiles, and even pavilions, platforms, lamps, and roads, which should last for more than 1000 years—— It can be seen from this that Master Wuyue's emphasis on the "essence" is in fact his deep feelings and firm confidence in Chinese traditional culture; He believed that this culture, which had created innumerable glories, still has strong vitality today and will continue to bloom in the next millennium.

With deep, inclusive and even romantic feelings, he listened to the enlightenment of history and laid a foundation for a millennium ancient temple in modern civilization according to the spirit and image of history. It is not difficult to understand why Tiantai Temple can match people's "poetic imagination" of ancient temples; How can people feel the "sense of belonging" and "closeness" that they have been missing for a long time? When the "classical culture" is fading away, when the noise of the times has repeatedly compressed the space for people to seek a trace of peace, and when the chaos of life is "becoming more and more attractive" - Tiantai Temple can give the Chinese people the long lost but unforgettable cultural consolation.

As mentioned at the beginning of the article, the "Dharma spreading model" is a topic that has to be mentioned for today's Chinese Buddhism, and even what kind of "Dharma spreading model" there will be in the future will be what kind of Buddhism. However, throughout the country, although the Buddhist community has realized this, the actual response is still obviously insufficient. Under this circumstance, Master Wuyue bravely led the Tiantai Temple to a new path and become a leader in the national Buddhist circle with the idea of "tracing back to the origin and returning to the original" and "tracing back to the source to create new ideas, and working hard to reach the far end". Therefore, to a large extent, the significance of this success is not only in the Tiantai Temple itself, but also the valuable exploration of the whole Chinese Buddhism in the new historical conditions.

The successful experience of Tiantai Temple needs to be further summarized and studied by the educational and academic circles. But at the end of this article, the author would like to say that there are many reasons that hinder the development of Buddhism in China, but perhaps the most critical point is that people are carrying "the burden of the times". In the face of numerous and complicated problems and various demands of the times, we might as well be like Master Wuyue: less to look at the future, more to look back on the history; Less hasty response to the phenomenon, more steady grasp of the essence; Less worry about social changes and more confidence in cultural values.

——This may be the most basic enlightenment we can get from the successful experience of Tiantai Temple.

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The USA Zen Culture Center is composed of a group of Chinese people living in the United States, Canada, Mexico and other three countries, who have a strong interest in the Chinese traditional culture Tiantai Sect or have been converted to Buddhism for many years, Now following one of the ancestral temples of the Tiantai Sect, Huang'an (now Hong'an County), Hubei Province, the Buddhist monk Shiwule of the Tiantai Temple has innovated a new period of Buddhism, which is a Chinese and foreign believer who lives in Zen, "practicing music, becoming a Buddha with virtue, and making the world happy with ceremony".
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