





天台寺地处穷山僻壤的中国湖北省红安县七里坪镇天台山上,海拔1100米,是天台 宗法门宗主智者大师创建于隋唐时期,因寺院建于主峰脚下而得名。

Tiantai Temple is located on Tiantai Mountain at an altitude of 1100 meters in Qiliping Town of Hongan County, Hubei Province, China. It was founded during the Sui and Tang dynasties by Master Zhiyi, the Dharma Master of the Tiantai Sect, and was named after the monastery built at the foot of the main peak.

天台寺住持释悟乐方丈认为:“移风易俗,莫善于乐”。于是创新了“音乐修行”法门, 以“善即佛法、爱即菩提、奉献即成就”为宗旨的生活禅弘扬世间。Master Shi Wule, the abbot of Tiantai Temple, resonates with the Confucius idea that “music is the most influential and effective way to change social convention.” For this reason, he innovated the method of “music practice”to spread the Zen life rooted in the tenet of “Goodness is Buddha’s Nature, Love is Bodhi, and Contribution is Accomplishment.”

他组建了中国佛教史上第 一支全僧人的用其师 父名义、百岁高僧临济宗喝云派第四十二代嫡系传人广玄上师命名的“天台寺广玄艺术团”,并史无 前 例地弘扬音乐修行法门,这是禅 宗在当代的重 大继承和发扬。作为天台僧侣的修行法门,学僧们通过心无旁骛地修炼禅 乐,抵达内外兼修之目的,在心弦相映中,荡涤五欲六尘,培植仁义礼智信。

Master Wule established the Guangxuan Art Troupe, the first monastic art troupe in the history of Chinese Buddhism. The art troupe was named after his master, Abbot Guangxuan, the 42nd generation of the Dao Yun School of Linji.

Not only is Master Wule’s promotion of applying music in the practice of Buddhism unprecedented, but also a crucial method for the succession and advancement of Zen Buddhism in contemporary times.  

As the followers of Tiantai Dhagma, through the practice of Zen Music non-distractingly, the monks and nuns aim to achieve both internal and external development, purify the five senses, and cultivate personal integrity.


For the past twenty years, this group of young monks and nuns has significantly improved under the guidance of Master Shi Wule. They promulgate the dogma and the spirit of Tiantai Dharma through the beauty of Zen Music, thereby refining the social climate. They have faithfully implemented the teachings of Tiantai Dharma in regards to: “Sacred Bodhidharma Daochang–achieve Buddhahood through cultivating one’s virtue, be compassionate to all beings, be altruistic to the world, make peace in the society, and serve the nation.” Exercising Tiantai Dharma, Guangxuan Art Troupe has become a supportive resource for the benefit and well-being of society and public.

他们的佛教艺术表演从2015年5月起已在中国大 陆巡演了北京、天津、深圳等37个城市及香港、印度、尼泊尔、斯里兰卡等国家和地区,观众达200多万人次,享誉世界,并荣获世界基尼斯纪录。

Their Buddhist art performance has toured 37 cities in China including Beijing, Tianjin, Shenzhen, and Hong Kong, as well as other countries such as India, Nepal, and Sri Lanka since May 2015. Guangxuan Art Troupe is world-renowned, and has won an audience of more than 2 million people. Additionally, it has won the World Guinness Record.


Guangxuan Art Troupe visited the United States this year at the end of June for exchange performances. As missionaries in the service of Zen culture and art, they rely on Buddhism to lead people to goodness; utilize Zen art to enlighten the mind, purify the soul, and advocate for the harmonious coexistence and peace of the world!


During their one month stay, the Guang Xuan Art Troupe exhibit Zen Music practices in Los Angeles., Salt Lake City, Pocatello.

2024年,藝術團將繼續巡演美國東部和歐洲國家,為世界帶來最純凈和諧的聲音。我们恳请各方 大德能支持和帮助我们完成这个伟大的使命,您的任何帮助和支持对我们来讲就是阳光、 空气和水,是生命的力量!

In 2024, Guangxun Art Group will make their world tour to the East of United States and European countries, bring their purest and harmonious music to the world. We sincerely ask for your support and help in this great mission. Any form of assistance is appreciated and greatly valued by all the members of Guang Xuan Art Troupe!


May Buddha blesses all the Dharma protectors, Amitabha!


联系人:释正百丈  +19169966713

              释正孝共  +19098529898

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