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Now that I have chosen to travel far away, I only care about the wind and rain

publish:2022-12-06 15:59:19   views :259
publish:2022-12-06 15:59:19  

Choose a distance and dare to challenge

This article first came from British Prime Minister Winston Churchill during World War II. When his strength was completely unequal, as a politician, he did not choose "compromise with Germany" like his predecessor Chamberlain - a pragmatic choice made by many outstanding politicians after weighing the advantages and disadvantages. However, he did not choose to do so. He was under great pressure, even though he was defeated in battle, even though it was almost inevitable at that time. He firmly carried out the war against Germany and was determined to fight in the colonies even if the British mainland was occupied. This kind of spirit of "better be broken than destroyed" and the choice of non logical thinking finally achieved his greatness.

Similar stories have played out repeatedly in history, and have played out the legends written by great people. At the end of the Spring and Autumn Period, when etiquette collapsed and music became bad, Confucius still held high the idea of "etiquette, music and benevolent government", even though he was depressed and failed in his life, even "he was as worried as a dog who lost his family". Even though his life was miserable and bumpy, he never wavered in his adherence to the ideal. Thousands of years of history has proved that the "Confucian culture" starting with his ideas has become one of the foundations of Chinese civilization.

The founder of Zen Buddhism in China, Dharma, came to China after three years of sailing at the age of over 100 years. At that time, the Chinese religious community was far from ready to accept his cultural gift from a foreign country. In the face of public confusion, suspicion and rejection, he faced the wall for nine years before the Second Patriarch Huike could accept his Dafa. Defamation and abuse fell like a mountain. He was also poisoned for many times, often with his life hanging in the line, so that the five generations of Zen Buddhism were all monologues. However, all these obstacles did not frighten him, and his persistence eventually made him the "ancestor of the Eastern Zen". After five generations of single biography, to the sixth ancestor Huineng, the Zen expounded the world.

Then he only cares about the wind and rain

I remembered a story about Buddha's birth. A bird, in order to put out the raging forest fire, went back and forth to the sea and the forest again and again, sprinkled the water on its wings into the forest until it was exhausted, until the end of time... This bird was the Buddha's past life. There are many such stories in history. "Ideal", "persistence", "regardless of life and death", "not worrying about gain and loss", "open-minded", and "illogical thinking" are the internal consistency of these stories. The reason why a great man is a great man and why a great cause is a great cause may be found here.

Under the leadership of Buddhist Master Shi Wule, Tiantai Temple in Hong'an, Hubei Province, is committed to creating "Music Dunhuang", holding high the two banners of "Becoming Buddha with Virtue" and "Making the World Safe with Rites and Music", and using culture to serve the "Chinese Dream" and the "the Belt and Road". It has many similarities with Confucius in terms of pursuit, experience difficulties and pressure. And Zen Master Shiwule did it without hesitation. As for whether Tiantai Temple can achieve great achievements like Confucius, it is our disciples and guardians who bear the burden. The successful experience of history is as clear as the sky, and Zen Master Shiwule's behavior is clear in front of us. Finally, a poem ends to encourage the future:

"Since I have chosen to travel far away, I only care about the wind and rain".

Zen Master's Advice

(1) A true monk should overcome all difficulties and be able to overcome them.

(2) Try to separate the spiritual world from all desires. We should temper our mind in doing things.

(3) People should have a little spirit - lofty spiritual sentiment! Without personality, it is just an animal in human skin.

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The USA Zen Culture Center is composed of a group of Chinese people living in the United States, Canada, Mexico and other three countries, who have a strong interest in the Chinese traditional culture Tiantai Sect or have been converted to Buddhism for many years, Now following one of the ancestral temples of the Tiantai Sect, Huang'an (now Hong'an County), Hubei Province, the Buddhist monk Shiwule of the Tiantai Temple has innovated a new period of Buddhism, which is a Chinese and foreign believer who lives in Zen, "practicing music, becoming a Buddha with virtue, and making the world happy with ceremony".
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